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Emergencies: Dial 911
111 Ridgedale Avenue,
2nd floor
Florham Park,

Monday - Friday
9:00 am – 4:30 pm

Marriage and Civil Union Licenses

If you are getting married or entering into a civil union in New Jersey, you may apply for a license in the town where either applicant resides up to 6 months before your wedding ceremony. Please contact the local Registrar where you will apply for detailed instructions. If both applicants live out of state, you must apply in the town where the ceremony is to be held in New Jersey. Both applicants must be at least 18 years of age to apply for a marriage license in New Jersey.

To apply for a marriage license or civil union license in Florham Park:

An appointment is required.

Please call the Registrar’s office at 973-410-5319 / 973-410-5354 to schedule and appointment. Appointments can be made up to 6 months before your wedding ceremony. There is a mandatory 72 hour waiting period, after applying for a license, before you may get married. Once the marriage license is issued to the couple, it is valid for 30 days.

Requirements when applying for a marriage license:

    Proof of identity by presenting your up-to-date driver’s license, passport or state/federal ID.
    Proof of residency – only if a NJ resident. (Must match your Florham Park address). Bring a utility bill or statement if your driver’s license doesn’t have your current mailing address on it.
    Social security number – you card does not need to be presented, just the number is needed.
    A witness, 18 years of age or older. Please be advised your witness cannot be your officiant.

Any documents in foreign language must be accompanied by a certified English translation. If either of the applicants or witness are not fluent in English, please contact the Registrar’s office so that it can be determined if a translator will be required.

After your marriage ceremony, your marriage license will be permanently filed with the Registrar in the municipality where the ceremony was performed. A copy will also be filed with the State of New Jersey.

Please click here for the marriage license application form: Application for a Marriage License.

*For more information and how to apply for a marriage/birth/death certificate through the State: